Website support

Website support is complex package from services to help your website. We observe web counters, from where comes site hits, which keywords use website visiters and so on.

You can leave this job to us. Then you haven't need additional expense for take on expert, who care for your website and all connected expenses. You will haven't need from web expert, only you should write mail to our team and we perform change in website you need.

Basic advantage on website support services is that the team who created design of site and administration system take care updating site content. And the risk from different experts changes pages in different way has disappear. The entire website is change in same way in all modules.

Website support include:

  • supporting of website in action
  • weekly database backup
  • photos and text processing and adding in website
  • updating site content
  • upgrading ready modules in site
  • support 24 hours / 7 days in the week